ABC World News wants ME to make dinner. ME?? Now I’ve come to accept that there are things in this life that I have been blessed with, and then there are some things, well… like cooking skills- not so blessed.
I mentioned in this earlier post that I went through an OMG moment when I opened up my email box and read the words, “I’m a producer at ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer.” Initially, I thought it was spam. When I continued reading the email and it went on to say that they were working on one of their Real Money segments and they thought my family would be a good match. “The piece I’m working on is about fast food and on-the-go families. Our segment will be about faster and cheaper ways to make dinner?”
Bahahaha. If you’ve been following this blog for any bit of time, you know that I never write about cooking, recipes, or really, anything to do with the kitchen, since I don’t cook. While reading the producer’s email, I start thinking to myself, “This guy clearly has not read one word of the blog.” But then we spoke on the phone, and the producer made me feel at ease, explaining that they were going to focus on the fact that most families think they don’t have time to make a full meal and often times, just “go pick something up” out of convenience. Well, I can relate to that. The next thing I know, he tells me, “Ok, so we’ll see you on Friday.” Friday? (It was Monday.) Like in this Friday? Like in FOUR days?? OMG. The list of things that hit me- clean the kitchen, clean the house, do my hair, do my nails, buy something to wear….. And BAM! It was Friday!

First to arrive was Executive Chef Bradley Herron of The Genuine Hospitality Group, and his very busy assistant, Ellie. For those that might not know, The Genuine Hospitality Group is owned by Chef Michael Schwartz and includes Miami hot spots Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink, Harry’s Pizzeria and The Cypress Room.
I was now officially intimidated. I had the Chef from one of the hottest restaurants in Miami in my kitchen! Not normal. Chef Bradley took a look around my kitchen. “Do you have pots and pans?” he asked me. I opened a cabinet beneath the stove, to prove that I actually did own a set. “They’re brand new!” Next thing I knew the Chef was laughing hysterically. (They were new. I had just replaced my previously owned ten year set in December.)
Soon after, the ABC film crew showed up. The producers/camera people and Dave Zinczenko who would be the host and commentator for the show. They told me and my husband what our Real Money challenge would be. I was to stay home with Chef Herron and “whip up” a meal. My husband was to go with Dave Zinczenko to the nearest Pollo Tropical drive-thru window and pick up something there. We would be timed to see who would be done first. The tagline for the segment would be along the lines of: “Is fast food really faster?”

I’m not sure if my husband and the ABC host were really in it to win it, but on our side, Chef Bradley stayed as cool as one the organic cucumbers he had brought over to my house to cook. He explained that by using thinner slices of vegetables and fish, the food would cook faster. He cockily told the camera that we would not only finish cooking a complete meal before the other team got back, but, “We’re going to have the dishes done too.”
Twenty-two minutes later, we had a complete meal of vegetables and fish. With a side dish of green beans and quinoa. And the picture I didn’t get was the one of the Chef washing my dishes! We even had time to pour ourselves a glass of wine and make a toast!
Eleven minutes after our celebratory toast, the DH, the LO and Dave the Host returned from Pollo Tropical. The DH was shocked that they weren’t the winning team. Lol.
After that, the whole crew took me to Publix to learn how to shop smarter and wiser. They cut all of that out of the final segment, but they included Chef Herron’s tips on the ABC World News with Diane Sawyer website:
Tip 1: Buy whole instead of pre-cut. Buying those premade bags of carrots can cost two to four times more. “You’re getting double for the same price,” Herron said. Tip 2: Buy in season. Whether it’s fruits or vegetables, “they are going to be cheaper because there are a lot of them,” Herron told ABC News. Tip 3: Download free coupon apps like Flipp and Ibotta. Tip 4: Choose fast-cooking foods like grains. “Grains are really small and they cook fast,” Herron said. Tip 5: Slice everything extra thin. “By cutting it thin, it’s going to cook quick,” he said. Tip 6: Cooking fresh is always faster than thawing frozen food.
I still can’t believe that it all happened. That this little “Miami Mommy Blogger” made it to the national stage with a segment introduced by Diane Sawyer. Actually, what I REALLY can’t believe, is that I made dinner. Check out video of our segment, “Real Money: Fast Food Versus Home Cooked Meals” here.
This sounds like both a frightening and exciting experience all rolled into one! It sounds like you were also able to learn a lot from your experience and sounds like you had a great time. You’ve certainly inspired me to start cooking more at home rather than buying “fast” food. It’s really amazing what little tips can help the cooking process go by a little quicker. Really great tips that I’m going to have to try myself. I’m really excited for you and glad you got the chance to experience this! So lucky and you can certainly color me jealous!
Hi Felicia, yes it was definitely frightening also, you hit the nail on the head! The experience did inspire me to at least “try” a little more! I’m even thinking of buying a mandolin (the chef brought his over and he told me that it was so much easier to make the vegetables thin than using a knife)!
Wow, that is so awesome! Super congrats to you! Don’t forget us little people when you’re all famous now! 🙂
Thank you, Emma!
wow! what an honor! congrats!! stopping by from the SITS Girls Comment Love– have a great week!
Thanks! You have a great week too, Emily!
Cool! Fame at last! Hope you enjoyed it. I would be in a similar position to you as I certainly don’t have any cooking on my blog and I do it out of necessity. The point though, is not the time it takes to cook, but the energy. I think if you have things well planned out its easier, whereas if you don’t it becomes easier to do take aways.
Oh so you can totally relate, Heather? I always feel like I’m the only person in the world who hates to cook!
In my entire writing career, I’ve written one piece on food, because everyone wants to talk about food and I’m not into food, but I thought you need to figure out a way to talk about food. The piece was published in Alimentum, and I can’t tell you how many editors, awards judges, reviewers, etc have contacted me to write a food piece for their magazine, enter their food awards contest, do something with food! It got to the point I’d say, You read my Freedom of Found Food essay in Alimentum, didn’t you? That would blow their minds, but it was easy since, as I’ve mentioned, it was the only only food piece I’ve ever written. Life is so strange. Enjoyed the post – stopping by from SITS Girls.
Wowwww that is so exciting! I would die if someone asked to come film a segment in our kitchen because it’s completely and hideously torn apart. As in, subfloor instead of real floor and giant holes where cabinets are supposed to be. 😛 Diane Sawyer would be ashamed. Your meal sounds delicious!
Believe me Erin, I was so nervous! I cleaned like a crazy lady before they got there! Luckily, it all worked out! Thanks for stopping by!
That is totally amazing congrats on getting that segement! I bet it was a whirlwind!
It really was a whirlwind, Dina! I was like, “Oh, I’m gonna be on TV! No eating until they get here! Water with Lemon! All day!” heehee
Oh wow! How exciting! And you look great!
Coming from the Comment Love Tribe
Thank you, Elle! I’m telling you, no eating for three days looks great on me!
How fun and exciting!! I would have loved that! Working from home allows me to cook a lot. Plus It’s soothing for some reason to me. LOL It sounds and looks like you had a blast! I’m also super happy to hear that home cooked and fresh won over the fast food! Woo hoo! I need to see this clip from the show now! #SITSblogging
Cooking is soothing for you?? I’m going on your blog stat! I need to find these “soothing” cooking secrets!
Wo, that is amazing! Doesn’t every blogger dream of something like that dropping in their lap! You look beautiful for the segment – congrats!
Awwww. Thank you Erica! *blushing*
That is soooo cool! I would love to have a chef come to my kitchen but I would be way intimidated too. He’d probably just throw his hands in the air and say, “I can’t work with this”!!
Lol Holly!
How awesome was that???? Very cool indeed! And you got some great tips out of the deal too, so thanks for sharing them! I’d have to say though, if it was my house, the Chef would laugh at my pots and pans. Stopping by from the SITS challenge.
Oh my gosh, he just thought it was SO funny that my pots were brand new! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so excited I found your blog!! I live in South Miami and a mommy blogger. Can’t believe I hadn’t been here before. Definitely a follower now!! Your writing is hilarious!
Stopping by with comment love from the SITS girls!
Another Miami Mommy Blogger! Woo! Nice to meet you, Ida! I’m jumping right over to your site!
Oh Wow what an experience ! Having a famous Chef cook in your kitchen, that must be exciting. You look amazing in the segment. Glad to know fresh food won over fast foods.
Stopping by from SITS Girls
Oh thank you Divya! Not only did “fresh food” win, it was delicious too!
Oh my goodness. I can’t even imagine what my reaction to that email would be!!! My husband would probably have to call 911. What a great experience, though! And those are some wonderful tips.
Believe me, Elizabeth, I was so shocked! Honestly, I’m still not really believing it happened!
How incredibly awesome is that!! Seriously that would be so fun, though so nerve wracking too to know all of that would be shown on TV. It is definitely cheaper to cook at home then get fast food I knew that, but never would have thought it quick to cook food at home then pick it up.
Me either, Emmy. I think because I’m always so intimidated by the kitchen, I look at a recipe and then open the fridge, then check the recipe, then put all the spices in a row, and then check the recipe, and on and on. The process usually takes so much longer for me! The Chef didn’t measure anything! just threw it in the pan!
What a fun segment! I love that it was set up as a race, and I really love that real food won out.
Go team real food!
That is totally AWESOME! How cool! Sounds like a blast.
I don’t cook or post on food and one of the products I support asked me to giveaway a cookbook and cook something. I did it. It was pretty fun and tasted good, too!
Stopping by from SITS. 🙂
I’m going to have to check out what you made! Is it beginner-friendly?
Wow! How cool is that? Congratulations. The tips are spot on…
Dropping by from SITS girls today.
Thanks Diane!
Wow, great opportunity and sounds like it was fun (and useful). If it had been me I’d have had to have turned it down because our house would never have been tidy enough and my husband would have been mortified.
The only downside is people will be expecting you to cook now.
Bahaha! You are so right, Emma! My friends keep teasing me, “what are you making us for dinner?”
That is such a cool experience!! Wow! #SITSBLOGGING
Thanks, Emily!
WOW!!! What a great opportunity and to learn how to be a better cook by a Chef! I would have been super happy about that not to mention the awesome publicity for you! Yeahhh for you for jumping in on both feet and taking on the challenge:)
Thank you Hakima!
What an awesome experience and opportunity. I would have loved the opportunity to just even tag along for a segment taping lol. With 3 kiddos I barely find time to breathe much less cook.
Ha! Awesome blog name. Love it. #SITSblogging
How fun! Now you will have a good story to tell your grandkids someday:) P.S. I’m in your SITS Girls Tribe.
What a great experience! It’s awesome that you were open-minded to the whole thing and enjoyed it so much. I hope you’ll take some of it to heart and enjoy more family meals at home. It’s great to get the kids involved, too.
I totally saw this and wondered who the blogger behind the segment was! So cool to discover you through my SITS tribe 🙂
Did you really see it, Emily?? WOW! Love your site, by the way! xo
What a fun experience!! It was fun to read about too! Stopping by from the SITS Comments List…blessings to you!
What an incredible opportunity for you and your blog!! You look so beautiful for the clip and did so well. Way to go!! Wishing you more wonderful moments like this in the near future 🙂 Happy to connect with you via our tribe #sitsblogging
That is so awesome! I would have freaked out and been a stammering mess. Great tips on cooking faster. I hate chopping veggies so I almost always shell out the extra money to buy it pre-cut. I will try to do better 🙂
Say what?! I didn’t know a celebrity was going to be visiting my blog today. What are you doing slumming it over at The Weary Chef, Ms. TV Star?
This is so awesome. Congrats! If you are now inspired to start making dinner occasionally, I’ve got you covered on easy recipes.
Bahahaha! You are too much, Weary Chef! I’m following you like a love-starved puppy on Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by!
How fun was that!? Nerve wracking I’m sure, but what a wonderful experience! It was fun to read your thoughts about how it all went down! Thanks for sharing! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.
How crazy fantastic! If I opened that email I would probably fall over and then spend all week freaking out about making my house camera ready lol. Eeeek! And congratulations!
Congratulations! What an amazing opportunity!!!!