I LOVE the way my eyelashes look when I use fake eyelashes. Long, dark, and full. But putting them on is so much work. Why is it that the nights I want to wear them, I always feel like I don’t have enough time to get them on right? What usually ends up happening is a domino-effect disaster: I’m rushing, so I don’t wait long enough for the eyelash glue to “set,” since I don’t wait for it to set, the eyelashes don’t stay in place. Then, there I am trying to get them on evenly but inevitably, one is on closer to the inner corner of my left eye and the other one is closer to the outer corner of my right eye, and then I have to take them off and try to re-do them. But now there’s little balls of adhesive stuck to my eyelid and its rubbing off all of my eye shadow… ugh! Oh and then of course, by the end of the night, one of them starts falling off so it looks like a mini spider is crawling down my face. So when Latisse came out a few years ago with the promise of an easy, in-home process that would grow long, luscious lashes, I was VERY interested.
I got my first Latisse kit from a plastic surgeon’s office. Now the thing about Latisse is that it doesn’t give you long luscious lashes overnight. Beauty takes time my friend. You have to apply the liquid solution to your eyes every night for 16 weeks before you start seeing results. I started seeing results before that, but still not until around the 6 week mark. And at first, I would look at my eyelashes and I would “think” that they looked darker and longer, but then I thought that maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. But then, I started getting the compliments. Lots of them. Only from women, but women that knew me very well, like my sister-in-law and my cousin. They noticed something about me, but they couldn’t put their finger on the change. They would say, “Did you change your mascara? You eyelashes look so pretty!” I told them I had been using Latisse. They were amazed. A couple of weeks later, I noticed that my eyelashes had gotten so long that they were hitting the insides of my sunglasses when I was wearing them! Wow. My lashes looked as if I had falsies on. With a little mascara- forget it! They looked like Kim Kardashian lashes. That was a deal changer moment for me. I actually got to a point where I didn’t want them to grow any more! I think around the 3 or 4 month mark, I started only applying the application every other night instead of every night. This worked at maintaining my new lashes, and I was also able to save some money becuase I wasn’t going through the solution so fast.
Interested in lashes so long and luscious they look fake? Well now, you don’t have to go to a plastic surgeon’s office to try Latisse. CVS Minute Clinic now provides Latisse eyelash lengthening consultations. All you have to do is stop by your nearest Minute Clinic for an assessment. They’re available at every clinic, seven days a week, and no appointment is necessary.
LATISSE® is the only FDA-approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough lashes. It is a prescription treatment to grow eyelashes longer, fuller, darker. Great eyelashes don’t just happen overnight. That’s why it’s important to note that LATISSE® solution works gradually and remarkably.
As the treatment progresses, you’ll first begin to see changes in length. Then, gradually, you’ll notice more thickness and darkness in your lashes. If you’re satisfied with your results by week 8, don’t stop there. Stick with the treatment. After week 16, you’ll see the full effect of LATISSE® solution — and so will others.
Learn more about what to expect
See the difference
See real, unretouched lashes of women who’ve used LATISSE®.
Individual results may vary. The lashes displayed are unretouched, without mascara.
Simple to use
LATISSE® is simple to use. You’ll apply the solution with a special applicator that will be included with your prescription. Use the applicator to apply the solution to the skin at the base of your upper lashes each night.
Important safety information about LATISSE®
If you use/used prescription products for eye pressure problems, use LATISSE®under doctor care. LATISSE® may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. Eyelid skin darkening may occur and may be reversible. Only apply at the base of upper lashes. DO NOT APPLY to lower lid. Hair may grow on skin that LATISSE® frequently touches. If you have eye problems/surgery, consult your doctor about use of LATISSE®. Common side effects are itchy and red eyes. If discontinued, lashes gradually return to previous appearance.
Indication: LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% is indicated to treat hypotrichosis of the eyelashes by increasing their growth, including length, thickness, and darkness.
See if LATISSE® is right for you.
If your lashes are thinning as you get older, come to MinuteClinic® for a consultation. They can provide an assessment, and if it’s right for you, they can prescribe LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03%, an at-home treatment that can give you longer, fuller and thicker lashes with full results expected in just 16 weeks.
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I had heard about this product on TV but never from someone’s personal experience. I just might need to add this as part of my New Year’s New year, new me, resolution!!
I would love to try it. Looks good!
The latisse cost is only $110/month right now if you get it from YoDerm.com, which is an online dermatology company. They also treat acne, rosacea, and wrinkles. I have used them in the past to get Retin-A sent to my pharmacy. All I had to do was take one photo of my lashes. An actual dermatologist reviewed it, wrote my prescription, and then my latisse was delivered right to my house. I would totally recommend it to anyone who read this and is interested in having amazing lashes. Mine already look incredible.