You KNOW that moment. The moment when you’ve walked into the bathroom, closed the door, sat down, and saw this:

and your reaction was:
C. HELP!!!!!
Right? Yeah, pretty much. I get it. Apparently, so does Angel Soft. That’s why they’ve created some pretty fantastic and funny mini videos about the experience. They want you to know that Angel Soft won’t leave you #SheetOutOfLuck. Yes, of course everybody knows that #SheetHappens, but with 60% MORE sheets than Charmin Ultra- Angel Soft is on your side, Mommy! For a good laugh check out Angel Soft’s #SheetOutOfLuck & #SheetHappens videos here: (How many of these videos can you relate to? Ha! Let me tell you, this girl in “The Extortion” has some mad negotiation skills.)
And to all my Blogger friends going to BlogHer ’14– Make sure to stop by the Angel Soft booth and share your #SheetHappens experiences! (The Angel Soft booth is located right smack in the front of the exhibit hall, Booth #201. You can’t miss it.) Stop by! I promise you Angel Soft hearts bloggers big time and they want to meet you! Mafia Mommies, Angel Soft hearts YOU big time too! One lucky reader will WIN a 1 year supply of Angel Soft Toilet Tissue! WOW! That’s a whole year of never being #SheetOutOfLuck! More details on this super amazing giveaway coming soon, so in the meantime, make sure to LIKE Angel Soft on Facebook, and FOLLOW on Twitter and share your great #SheetOutOfLuck and #SheetHappens moments!

Disclosure: This post is bought to you through a partnership with Angel Soft® bath tissue paper. All content, thoughts and opinions are, as always, Mommy Mafia’s own. Thank you for your continued support for all of Mommy Mafia’s handpicked sponsors!
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