Discover Apothecary Preparations, truly personalized skincare featuring potent concentrates that address an individual’s unique skin concerns. The personalized, in-store-only service launches nationwide in select Kiehl’s stores.
I’ve loved Kiehl’s skincare products since I was around 19 years old. That was before the internet, before Instagram beauty bloggers gave us 20 second time-lapse tutorials, and way back when Kiehl’s only had one store, which was located in NYC. At the time, my best friend was modeling and living back and forth between Los Angeles and New York City. Every time she was in NY, she would make it a point to go to the to this small, boutique skincare store that her and her model friends just couldn’t get enough of. That store was Kiehl’s. She would go to Kiehl’s and come back to Los Angeles with new goodies that she would insist I just had to try. She was a model, and besides from being gorgeous, she had perfect skin. She had model friends, they all had perfect skin. I wanted perfect skin too! I would look forward to her Kiehl’s care packages like a kid at Christmas.
The products were indeed heavenly and worth the wait. In time, I would start putting in orders for products that I wanted her to pick up for me on her next Kiehl’s shopping trip. It was through her I discovered their famed Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion, their Ultra Facial Moisturizer and Lip Balm #1 – products that are still staples in my beauty box. (My beloved grapefruit essence oil was discontinued years ago, sniff sniff.)
Read also: Kiehls President Chris Salgardo Spills His Skincare Secrets
Kiehl’s Apothecary Preparations
When Kiehl’s reached out to me to introduce me to their newest offering, Apothecary Preparations, a personalized, skin-strengthening concentrate featuring a blend of advanced herbal ingredients and are specifically selected for each customer’s skin, I was as giddy as a Star Wars fangirl at Comic-Con. An excuse to spoil myself to a little Kiehl’s time? Check. An excuse to stroll down Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road on a beautiful October morning? Check.
Alyssa the store manager of the Kiehl’s Miami Beach store was so kind to give me a one on one consultation to diagnose my skin’s needs- what were my main skin concerns? Wrinkles? Redness? Dryness? Texture? Pores? We talked and she took a skin test as well as a hydration test of my skin.
Next, she entered my information into a tablet rating my skin concerns. The tablet then came up with the perfect personalized Apothecary Preparations concentrate serum ideal to handle my skin’s needs. We determined my top concerns were: dry skin, redness, and texture.
I walked out of the Miami Beach Kiehl’s store with my own personalized Apothecary Preparations serum in hand. My serum is designed to be applied in the mornings after my morning cleansing routine and prior to makeup application. It can also be applied at night.
I have to say, I LOVE my personalized Apothecary Preparations and it’s a welcome newbie to the beauty box of my beloved Kiehl’s beauty staples. Even after only a week, my skin seems to be loving it. Oh, Kiehl’s – I’ve literally loved you longer than I haven’t.
My new personalized Apothecary Preparations is like inscribing our love together in wet cement. Mommy Mafia + Kiehl’s = 4eva.
Kiehl’s Apothecary Preparations, retail $95. The personalized, in-store-only service launches nationwide in October will be available at all Kiehl’s Since 1851 stores. Locally, you can have your own customized blend created for you at the Kiehl’s Miami Beach (Lincoln Road) or the Kiehl’s Aventura Mall stores. For more information about Apothecary Preparations, please visit
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