In celebration of D23 and “The Art of Storytelling,” Disney Publishing’s NEW Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Paint and Play app is 80% off ($.99) for 12 hours only! Head over to the Apple App Store on Saturday, August 10, 9AM-9PM EST/6AM-6PM PST to download the hit app and catch the sale – Thanks Disney!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Paint and Play is a 3D coloring book that inspires creativity and interactive play through learning about color. The app includes unlimited combinations of tools, colors, patterns, and stickers for kids to create their own stories. With numerous animated 3D scenes and characters, kids will learn about color mixing, texture, symmetry, and more.
UPDATE: It looks like only the iPad version is on sale, the iPhone version is still $4.99.
A promotional copy was provided to MMM for review purposes.
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