If you’ve been following along on the Mommy Mafia Facebook group (what? you haven’t “Liked” Mommy Mafia on Facebook, yet? There’s so much fun over there!) you would have been hearing me
bitching lament about the Little Made Man wanting to be Diamond Armor Minecraft Steve for Halloween and me not being able to find the Minecraft costume anywhere.
But when you promise your kid a Diamond Armor Minecraft Steve costume, you have to somehow produce a Diamond Armor Minecraft Steve costume.
So the picture above is the result of two sleepless nights, a bottle or so of wine, and multiple trips to Office Depot. I present to you: Minecraft Steve in Diamond Armor.
I’m pretty shocked pleased with myself I have to say. I’m not a DIY-er by any means, but thank goodness for Google and Pinterest, Shark (because it just so happens that the Shark Rocket Powerhead vacuum box was the EXACT SIZE I needed), BUT MOST OF ALL a HUGE Thank You to @Wingwalker1 from Instructables.com. His step-by step DIY Minecraft Costume instructions were spot on.
I purchased the Diamond Armor Sword and a Minecraft Torch (not shown, but we used it for trick-or-treating) from Target, they were the perfect additions to the costume.
The Little Made Man was in Minecraft/Halloween heaven and everyone loved his costume. So the sleepless nights of course, were worth it. What we will do for our kids, huh?
Happy Halloween!
Can you please email me the PDF files ? I would appreciate it a whole lot ! I have a 1st Grader who is depending on me ! Thank you so much . vargas33830@hotmail.com
Would you mind sharing the pdf files? Lauren.Fralin@gmail.com
Hello all! The link to the PDF’s is in the post, click on the instructables.com link
Could you send me the pdf files as well. Thanks! jonathanmayne@yahoo.com
Can some email me the file to print out need it ASAP highland_woods@live.com
Could you please send me a copy of the pdf my 8 year old wants to be Steve for Halloween. sbradley2227@live.com thank you so much!!!
Hi Sharon! Please follow the link in the post to the instructables website. It will take you right to the page where the instructions and the PDF files for the costume are. Good Luck!
I followed to link to the inconstructibles page and downloaded the pdf file but there is no files for the print outs, how did you get them?
Thanks in advance
Hi Emily! Back when I made this, the original author emailed them to me. I sadly no longer have those files otherwise I would be happy to send them to you 🙁 However, I’ve seen the Minecraft Diamond Armor Steve costume this year at Target and it’s also available for purchase on Amazon >> https://amzn.to/2NPf40r Believe me, buy it if you can, it was a LOT of work! Good Luck!