I am sharing the following PSA on behalf of Bloggin’ Mamas, who is working with Element Associates, the Ad Council and Get Covered America to raise awareness about the Health Insurance Marketplace and the financial assistance available. More than half of all uninsured Americans can get covered for under $100 a month. And 4 in 5 people, who have already signed up, got help paying for their insurance. The uninsured are exposed to significant financial risk from medical issues, accidents or emergencies. Even young and healthy individuals are at-risk. One trip to the emergency room for a broken arm or a bad ear infection could cost thousands of dollars. Open enrollment is set to begin again in the fall, but special enrollment is ongoing. As with other elements of the health care law, many of those eligible for coverage don’t understand all the details. While the Health Insurance Marketplaces don’t open until November 15th, certain “qualifying life events” (like getting married, having a baby, adopting a child, moving, losing your current health insurance, losing insurance when you turn 26 if you were covered under a parent’s healthcare plan, losing insurance after graduation if you were covered under your college’s healthcare plan, and more) could allow you to get covered now. Many people are unaware of their health plan options, so we are hosting a Twitter Chat on September 3 from 1-2pm Eastern using #TakeCareChat to learn more about Get Covered America and your options under the ACA. This chat will be held in English and Spanish. For more info and resources, please refer to the Get Covered America website: http://www.getcoveredamerica.org Here’s an interactive Q&A session about “qualifying life events” and healthcare enrollment led by Annette Raveneau, the National Latino Press Secretary for Enroll America’s “Get Covered America” campaign: Disclosure: I am participating in this Bloggin’ Mamas Social Good Campaign and sharing a pre-written PSA in support of sharing information to the public that will help them make informed decisions. Any opinions expressed are my own and not that of Bloggin’ Mamas, Element Associates, the Ad Council or Get Covered America. I was not compensated by the Ad Council or Get Covered America for this post.
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