I knew it was going to happen. I knew the time would come, the day he would tell me, what, and, exactly who he was going to be for Halloween. I knew the days of me “encouraging” the cute costumes would come to an end. The end of an era, if you will. That didn’t make it any less sad for me when he announced, months ago, “I want to be Darth Maul for Halloween, Mommy!”
So on my little computer I went, logged into Amazon and bought the dreaded and uber-creepy Darth Maul costume, size xs. Wahhhh. My adorable little Jalapeño was gone. My son had joined the dark side. I know I can now look forward to the next ten years (?) of costumes of blood, guts, and zombies. I’m sad about it. But I guess the only thing I can do now is accept it. Sit in my little corner of the Force and accept it.
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Thanks, Nashville Parent Magazine for including me!