Mafia Readers: I recieved the following email from a close friend yesterday. It’s a scary reminder to KNOW who is watching your child. PLEASE forward and share.
Dear friends,
I want to let you know about something that has happened to my family.
Our sitter of about 2 months (a very sweet, young girl from our neighborhood), either neglectfully or intentionally, allowed a head injury to R___. The cause of his injury is and will probably remain a mystery. I don’t want to dwell on speculating how or why.
When we arrived at the house R___ was sleeping. I paid the sitter and showed her out. It wasn’t until later, when I woke him, that I noticed his injury. We took him to the ER and they performed a CT Scan checking for a concussion. Thank G-d, he was (and is) fine. Because of the nature of the injury, we contacted the police. After many hours of telling and retelling what happened we are left with little resolve and no answer.
It was during the questions the police were asking that I realized a huge mistake we had made. I had very little contact information for this person we left caring for our child. I didn’t know her full address. I didn’t know the make/model/license plate of her parents car. I didn’t have a photo of her. Really, I had nothing.
I’m attaching an employee form to this email. Please don’t make the same mistake I made. Please don’t wait until you are speaking to the police to realize you really don’t know who you’ve allowed in your home. I’m having EVERY employee that has access to my home complete this form and provide copies of photo identification. In addition, before you let your sitter leave check your child(ren). I know now the precautions I should have taken and didn’t. It will not happen again.
I’ve attached pictures of his injury not to frighten anyone but to show you how quickly something can happen and how easily you can be left without answers. Please don’t hesitate to share with anyone you may think would benefit from my experience. I don’t want anyone to go through what we have.
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