In honor of the upcoming 3D animated comedy, THE BOOK OF LIFE, DOLPHIN MALL and Twentieth Century Fox is celebrating with The Book of Life Movie Halloween Carnival This Saturday, October 11th.
This family event will take place at @ “Ramblas Plaza” from 1:00pm-3:30pm. The event is FREE, open to kids of all ages and is guaranteed to be FUN! Activities will include FREE face painting, Halloween arts & craft activities, carnival food/snacks, movie pass giveaways, $500 in GIFT CARD giveaways and much more! Costumes are welcome!
THE BOOK OF LIFE, a vibrant fantasy-adventure, tells the legend of Manolo, a conflicted hero and dreamer who sets off on an epic quest through magical, mythical and wondrous worlds in order to rescue his one true love and defend his village.
THE BOOK OF LIFE, featuring the voices of Channing Tatum, Christina Applegate, Zoe Saldana & Diego Luna, opens nationwide on October 17th.
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