My 2013 New Year’s Resolutions:
Resolution #1 Kiss the Baby more.
Resolution #2 Remind myself to be more patient with the Baby. He’s still learning, and he’s counting on me to help him learn.
Resolution #3 Kiss the Baby when I forget Resolution #2 and lose my patience.
Resolution #4 Read at least 3 parenting books. (1 every 4 months! I can do that!)
Resolution #5 Treat myself to some sort of indulgence (shoes, a fabulous handbag, that eye cream from Neiman’s that ran out 2 months ago, botox!) at least 2 times this year- AND NOT FEEL GUILTY that I spent $$ on ME and not the baby.
Resolution #6 Take a Photoshop class
Resolution #7 Organize and make a cute photo book of last year’s photos with all the skills I picked up in the Photoshop class.
Resolution #8 Make “Mommy Time” for myself a priority, and don’t forget that it’s important
Resolution #9 Meet up with other Miami Mafia Mommies (online, but also IN PERSON) to remind me that Resolutions #1-9 are important 😉
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