My Nanny showed up to work this morning with a splint on her hand. She says she hurt it while I was gone (in Cali). Ok. Fine. She helps unpack the baby’s clothes and whatever around the house all day. I leave to get him from school, and when I get back, SHE’S GONE. Poof! Luckily, today’s the day I have a housekeeper, and I say, “Where’s Melanie?” and the housekeeper says “She went home.”
So I call her like 12 times and on the 13th try her sister answers the phone. The sister tells me that Melanie was in a lot of pain and she had told my husband (she didn’t) that the doctor told her she shouldn’t work, blah, blah.
Great. I’m going to need my own #NANNYALERT. And it’s not like I just spent $300 on tickets to my son’s school fundraising (no children allowed) dinner this weekend. Grrr! #nannyrant
So amazing Step-Daughter USC sent a text to 4 of her girlfriends for me and found me a sitter for tonight AND Saturday! (Hubby’s work dinner & the $300 school fundraiser dinner) Still no word from Miss-Nanny-broken-hand.
Miss-Nanny-Broken-Hand called to say she wanted to come by to pick up her $$ (I owed her for the previous week-no, I didn’t pay her for this past week when she disappeared) and she shows up with a batman cupcake, chocolate-covered, Godiva strawberries and a lollipop for my little one. Says she will return to work Tuesday just like a normal week. umm. ok. I guess?
So did the Nanny ever come back??? Don’t leave us in suspense!!!