If you've followed me for any time at all, you know that I have some pretty limited cooking skills. Sure, I can make do when I have to, but then there's things like pancakes that I just suck at. I ...
Brand Ambassador
A Lover, A Sneaky Sleeper & An Old Queen. Introducing My Beneful Dogs
I have three dogs in my house. Three. To some people that sounds crazy, and I have to admit, on some days, it is crazy. Like when a delivery guy comes to the house and all three of them start barking ...
7 Fun Kid Friendly Ways To Celebrate Summer
As the long school year finally wraps to a close, the excitement of summer is hard to avoid. Summer camps, beach trips, boat trips, family vacations and (Yay!) no school drop off line! Here's ...
Honey. Jalapeño. Bacon. (Thank You Bacon Gods!)
I opened the latest email from Denny's and it was all about their new Red, White and Bacon menu. Fun! I thought to myself. Bacon is always fun, right? I was casually looking over the menu and ...
*SQUEAL* Mommy Mafia Is Total Wine’s Official #SOBEWFF Correspondent!
Today is National Drink Wine Day and that makes it the perfect day to announce some VERY BIG NEWS! My BFF and favorite store- Total Wine & More- has asked me to be their VIP Correspondent for this ...
Score Big With The Family! Take Them To See The Miami Heat
Basketball season is back! That means it's time for "Your Miami HEEEAAAAATTTT!" as the HEAT announcer would say. Sure, it's fun to cheer the HEAT on from home, but there's nothing like the ...