I sat with the Little Made Man and asked him what his New Year's Resolutions for 2015 were. This is what he told me. Please don't ask me how he came up with #7 and #8, I swear we're not a violent ...
Cirque du Soleil Amaluna Amazes in Miami
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Influence Central for Cirque du Soleil. I received tickets to Amaluna to facilitate my post as well as a promotional item to thank me for ...
25 Days of Elf on the Shelf
When I promised myself that THIS would be the year that I would really step up my Elf on the Shelf game, I started scouring Pinterest for some of the best ideas out there. I am completely in awe with ...
Let Him Make Cake! Girl Toys VS Boy Toys: Encouraging Curiosity By Changing Colors
So let's just get one thing clear: I am never, never, ever, ever, ever, no matter how much I love you and your daughter, going to buy her a pink vacuum cleaner. Ever. Or a pink ironing board, or a ...
The Argument for Never Buying Plaid Pajama Pants
At The Little Made Man's preschool, parents line up in their cars for Drop-off and Pick-up. When you get to the front of the line, the teachers open the door, unbuckle the kids and take them inside. ...
Ready for Kindergarten? The Nest’s Kindergarten Transition Program
Is your child ready for Kindergarten? Kindergarten is a memorable milestone for parents and their children. Parents feel the dueling emotions of pride and loss. Children feel the dueling emotions of ...