WHY is it so hard for Mommies to get together? There's the old "We don't take time for ourselves" thing I suppose. Yet, we can make to preschool every day, playdates, parties. But a Mommy Night out? ...
Mommy Mafia Events
Mommy Mafia Miami 1st Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch
Talk about some HOT Mamas! Awesome brunch date with some AMAZING Mommies! Thanks ladies for making the time to get together! Can't wait for the next one! ...
Mommy Mafia Miami’s Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch
Mommy Mafia MIAMI Pre-Mother's Day Brunch You deserve a glass of champagne, Mommy! Join your MommyMafia friends and make new ones for a Mommy Brunch. New Mommies, Mommies-to-be, and even just ...